Recruitment for the post of
Administrative Assistant (AA)
Salary: HK$17,606 per month
Duties & responsibilities:
- Report to the Senior Sports Executive and Sports Executive;
- Organize the development programmes, race events and promotions;
- Undertake any administrative and clerical duties in the office and answer enquiries;
- Coordinate the local programmes of the Hong Kong Triathlon Association (TriHK);
- Undertake outdoor field work relating to job duties assigned;
- Assist in implementing an efficient filing system for Secretariat;
- To perform any other appropriate duties as assigned by supervisor.
Minimum qualifications and experience required:
- Grade E / Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including English (Syllabus B), Chinese and Mathematics in HKCEE / HK Diploma of Secondary Education Examination; or Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects including English, Chinese and Mathematics in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.
Skills required:
- Proficient in written and spoken English and Chinese language skills;
- Good PC skills, including MS Office (Excel, Word, Chinese word processing, PowerPoint, Outlook etc);
- Available and flexible to work during non-office hours and on weekends and public holidays;
- Familiar with Photoshop or AI will be an advantage;
- Immediate availability is a definite advantage.
Apply in writing by 26 April 2024 with full resume to TriHK via email to recruit with subject of “Application for Administrative Assistant”.
- Only suitable candidates will be shortlisted for interviews.
- This post is financially supported by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department.
(All information provided will only be used for recruitment related purpose. All collected data will be disposed after the completion of recruitment process.)