Sexual Harassment Policy

The Triathlon Association of Hong Kong China (the Association) is the sole governing body in Hong Kong for triathlon, duathlon, aquathlon and related multi-sport activities. The Association recognises the rights of all stakeholders, including the right to enjoy a safe and supportive work/sport environment. Sexual harassment will not in any forms be tolerated.


The Association shall ensure that all Officials (including Officers, Committee Members, staff members and members who are involved in the business of the Association), and Members of the Hong Kong, China Delegation (including team delegate, team manager, medical officials, TriHK Staff, sports team officials and athletes) are able to work, conduct activities or deal with sports affairs under the safeguard of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), Cap. 480. This set of policy and guidelines on prevention of sexual harassment gives the definition of sexual harassment, explains the principles and mechanism for handling sexual harassment complaints, and provides preventive measures for stakeholders to increase their awareness of sexual harassment prevention.


For detailed policy content, please click: "Guidelines on Prevention of Sexual Harassment"